Case Study | Driving for a diverse mobile workforce and equitable approach to family support
This UK HQ’d multinational FMCG organization enjoyed a mature and well-established talent mobility program that regularly received positive feedback from leadership. However, following the global pandemic, the organization had committed to finding ways to improve the overall experience of their Employer Value Propositions (EVP), including the way that it approached and supported talent mobility.
A wing-to-wing review of policy and processes was
undertaken and included input from their DEI team who quickly observed that whilst support was being offered to relocating spouses/partners,
this was limited to those who were “working” and moving internationally.
As such, many relocating families were not being offered support for the partner/spouse that could have stimulated greater diversity of their global
mobile talent and was not aligned to their equitable approach to benefits.
NetExpat was engaged to support the creation of an equitable approach to supporting relocating partners/spouses.
As well as extending support for working partners relocating into and across all geographies, including domestic moves, Social Integration support was introduced for all “non-working” partners/spouses to ensure that they also received the 1:1 care and guidance required to make a strong and positive
transition into their new home location. Each program consisted of 1:1 confidential coaching, focused on topics and areas of interest that matter most to the partner/spouse, including recreating their social network, volunteering, further education etc. A blank canvas of support. They also received access to supporting tools and technology, as well as membership to the on-line NetExpat Community for partners/spouses and Buddy Program.
The outcome was almost immediate with a significant boost to the organizations ability to encourage talent mobility from a more diverse pool of employees and families. Their NPS for mobility support also increased given their approach to supporting all partners/spouses. A true win!
The modest investment in providing support for non-working partners is an easy and cost effective way to ensure an inclusive and equitable approach to
mobility, and encourage a diverse mobile workforce.
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