NetExpat Community®

The NetExpat Community® is the #1 social network dedicated to relocating partners. With thousands of members, the community provides instant connection to others moving around the world with similar experiences and challenges. Membership includes access to exclusive online and local based events. Extensive content posts cover topics such as repatriation, job search, the male perspective, moving with children and social integration. 

For the full introduction video click here

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NetExpat Community

The NetExpat Community is the #1 social network dedicated to relocating partners. With thousands of members, the community provides instant connection to others moving around the world with similar experiences and challenges. Membership includes access to exclusive online and local based events. Extensive content posts cover topics such as repatriation, job search, the male perspective, moving with children and social integration. 
For the full introduction video click here
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The PartnerJob® Explorer is currently the most powerful online job search tool in the world and specially designed for relocating partners. It is changing the lives of thousands of users by allowing them to access over 250 million available jobs globally.

For the full video click here

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ExpAdviser® & CultureSnap®

The ExpAdviser® and CultureSnap® are leading online tools designed to help the user discover their strengths and anticipate challenges they may face when working internationally or within a multicultural team. The tools can also be used to help the user visualize how their own personality traits compare with over 130 cultures, and in turn how these traits can impact their mindset and interactions with others while on assignment. For full video click here

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