Join the NetExpat Community

The NetExpat Community is the #1 social network dedicated to relocating partners. With thousands of members, the community provides an instant connection to others moving around the world with similar experiences and challenges.

Membership includes access to local events and exclusive online content covering topics such as repatriation, job search, moving with children and social integration. The Buddy Program is also included as part of NetExpat Community membership. The platform is available in four languages including English, French, German and Spanish.

To learn more, watch the short video on the right.

More Than Just an Online Community 

Unique Content

Extensive blog section focused on member experiences, local information and expert tips and guidance from our consultant team. Topics include job search, moving and settling tips, self employment, repatriation and lots more.


Small virtual group sessions facilitated by a NetExpat Consultant and organized on specific topics related to relocation including networking, repatriation, parenting skills, self employment and social integration.


Informal gatherings organized by NetExpat Community Ambassadors. These in-person events are designed to allow partners to make friends and enjoy their new host country or city.


Rich media support keeps all members informed through a monthly newsletter which includes advice, testimonials, event information and much more

Join today to connect with other relocating partners. 


 Unique code provided by the relocating employer. If you do not have a referral code, please contact us using the form below 

Contact us using the form below with any questions, registration issues or referral code requests. 

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