Oct 03, 2024

As the Chief Information Security Officer at NetExpat, I oversee the security of our information systems and data. My role also includes managing IT projects to ensure they align with our strategic goals and technological infrastructure. My key responsibilities encompass risk management, developing and implementing security policies, ensuring compliance with these policies, and staying updated on the latest cyber threats to protect NetExpat.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you began working in IT.

My journey in IT began in 1993, I was at 16 when I was playing video games on a Pentium PC and encountered a virus. It took me all night to identify and fix the issue, but I enjoyed the challenge. That experience made me realize that if I could spend all night solving such problems, I would likely enjoy a career in IT.

I started my professional journey in 1996 at a small digital communication agency in Belgium, where I helped create one of the country’s first business websites. After nearly 24 years at a digital agency in Belgium, I sought a new challenge and moved to Costa Rica. I was already familiar with NetExpat from my previous job, as they were one of our clients. I reached out to them to explore potential collaboration, and everything fell into place from there.

Why did NetExpat decide to pursue the SOC 2 Type 2 certification?

The main reason was to demonstrate NetExpat's commitment to the highest standards of security and integrity when processing client data, and to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of our clients. That was the primary motivation.

What does the certification mean for our clients?

It increases their confidence in our ability to protect their data. This certification provides verified proof that we have robust security controls in place and that we maintain them. It also helps our clients mitigate risk and comply with regulatory requirements.

Is there anything else you think is important for us to know about the certification or IT security in general, and how it helps NetExpat?

This certification reflects NetExpat’s dedication to building trust with our clients and reassuring them that their information is handled securely. In today’s world, most big companies require this level of certification. If we want to stay competitive in the market, we had no choice. We need to comply with these standards to maintain and grow our client base. This certification brings us to the standard that everyone strives to meet.

What do you like most about IT?

What I love about IT is that it's always changing. It's never the same. The field is constantly evolving, and you're learning something new almost every day. I've been in IT for over 25 years, and I'm still learning. You can never get bored; it's a very dynamic field with new challenges all the time. You have to evolve and adapt continuously, which is exciting and fulfilling. Unexpected events happen all the time. There's always something to fix or something that can be improved.

Contact us to schedule a call with one of our experts in your region to learn more about best practices in intercultural solutions, partner assistance and talent management. 
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03 Oct, 2024
As the Chief Information Security Officer at NetExpat, I oversee the security of our information systems and data. My role also includes managing IT projects to ensure they align with our strategic goals and technological infrastructure. My key responsibilities encompass risk management, developing and implementing security policies, ensuring compliance with these policies, and staying updated on the latest cyber threats to protect NetExpat.
16 Aug, 2024
Mary Weaver is a global mobility expert with over 20 years of experience. She has a deep understanding of global mobility trends thanks to her unique blend of corporate global mobility roles and consulting experience supporting companies across all sizes and industries. She has been instrumental in designing and implementing innovative strategies to bridge the gap between global relocation and talent management, ensuring a seamless transition for employees moving across borders. Mary lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She enjoys traveling and exploring new cultures with her husband and three children. She is passionate about leveraging her experiences to create a more supportive environment for globally mobile employees.
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In today’s demanding global market, organizations go to great lengths to ensure their compliance with a variety of laws, regulations, and ethical standards. But since all three of these vary from country to country, have you ever considered the value of intercultural dexterity on an employee’s ability to ‘be’ compliant in countries other than the ones they were raised in? Or an organization’s ability to truly understand the reasons behind negative outcomes when something has gone wrong? Miscommunication and misunderstandings during intercultural exchanges can be costly, resulting in lost sales and business opportunities, hefty fines, sanctions, or being banned from doing business in critical markets altogether. Conversely, being culturally compliant saves businesses time, money, valuable resources and, in extreme cases, even lives. Developing cultural agility — the ability to understand different cultural perspectives and adapt one’s behavior to various scenarios to navigate smoothly across diverse cultural landscapes — is often overlooked, but it’s as crucial to being compliant as knowing and understanding each country’s rules and regulations themselves. Incorporating cultural agility into compliance training and readiness — what we call “cultural compliance” — has therefore become mandatory when it comes to the success and sustainability of global organizations, worldwide. In this topic paper, we discuss why cultural compliance, which addresses training in cultural agility, should be a mandatory component of every organization’s compliance plan. Thanks to technology and a wealth of experience, NetExpat is able to provide this training easily, on a variety of platforms, with as little commitment as half a day for expats and an hour for global business travelers/employees who interface with individuals from cultures other than their own. Why should cultural compliance matter to organizations?
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Katja has been in her current role as Director of Global Client Services at NetExpat since 2015. This is her second journey with NetExpat as she previously worked for the company in 2004. Her initial connection with NetExpat dates back to her early career when she served as a consultant in Brussels. Katja currently oversees a diverse set of responsibilities such as managing global teams, case authorizations, conducting weekly calls, and leading projects related to Partner Support tools. Katja is fluent in Finnish, French, English, with her native language being Finnish.
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